Monday, May 3, 2010

Props to Arizona

Opponents of Arizona's new immigration enforcement law protested outside the state capitol building in Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday. Critics of the law say that it will encourage racial profiling by law enforcement and endanger civil rights in the state. Supporters say it is a necessary get-tough measure by Arizona officials in the face of ineffective federal enforcement efforts along the violent and lawless border with Mexico.

Arizona is obviously having a problem with illegal immigration. The state requested help from President Obama, and he ignored their request. People in Arizona don't feel safe, and the government officials felt that they had no other choice. It isn't fair for illegal immigrants to come into our country and try to get as many benefits as possible, when there are other immigrants doing it legally. It also isn't fair for legal citizens to have the tax money, that they pay, to be used on illegal immigrants, who don't pay a dime in taxes.

I believe that Arizona is doing the right thing. Legal immigrants shouldn't be offended if they are asked to show their papers. They should be proud to show they did it the right way. And as for illegal immigrants, I believe they should be deported for not trying to come here legally. Our country should do everything possible to weed the illegals out of our country. Props to Arizona for doing what's best for America.


Colton's Government 2305 Blog said...

Immigration laws have long been an n issue since the time of our founding fathers. Immigration has been both welcomed and unwelcomed. Immigration has been both legal and illegal. It is by the illegal means that immigrants become hated by us tax paying citizens. My boss, an immigrant from Mexico, has lived in Texas for thirty years now. He has not applied for citizenship, but he is a tax paying and law abiding man. Illegal immigrants, notably from Mexico, are getting away with tax “murder.” It is not fair for a man like myself to work 48 hours a week and have about 200 dollars deducted from my pay check. Likewise, an illegal immigrant can work the same time and be 200 dollars richer than I am. It would be not feasible to describe the other “benefits” that illegal immigrants “swindle” the government on. Brooke Christensen has noted in Props to Arizona that Arizona has passed an immigration enforcement law that allows the police to stop Hispanics on suspicion of being illegal. I agree with Brooke completely on this issue. The state government has to step in when the federal government fails to act. The Constitution denotes certain rights to the states and it is only appropriate that we exercise them. Arizona is setting a precedent for other states such as Texas, New Mexico, and California to create their own immigration laws. The federal government should look at the Arizona immigration law and see it as the first step in nation wide immigration reform. Illegal immigration from Mexico is an enormous issue that also entails crime and drug wars that could spill over into our state. The federal government must not only look at this issue, but the issue of immigration from over seas as well. It is evident that a vast majority of immigrants, illegal or legal, are in search of a better life. I believe the real problem lies overseas. As 9/11 has shown us, there are people entering our country who have the intent of creating a life or fear and anxiety for us citizens. The president and Congress should make it a top priority on their agenda to make immigration laws stiffer. If no efforts are made, I feel that our nation’s people may lose their rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Shawnta Anderson said...
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Shawnta Anderson said...

Props to Arizona state that it believes the State of Arizona is doing the right thing with its immigration law. I agree that, “It isn’t fair for illegal immigrants to come to our country and try to get as many benefits as possible, when there are other immigrants doing it legally.” Also being illegal leads to no jobs and more crimes. The American citizens would then be bombarded with taxes to provide for the illegal citizens even with deportation. There are plenty U.S citizens who have acquired their citizenships legally and worked very hard to do so. It would be very unfair to allow illegal immigrants to reside here without having to follow the procedures as other foreigners.
Arizona should do what it takes to be fair to their citizens who have worked hard to be legal and deserves to be safe when having done so. This protection has been sworn upon the U.S. citizens and seeking it is highly enforced. If the immigrants want to be American citizens you would think they could appreciate that fact. What is the problem with Identify your citizenship if you belong here? I understand and agree that the law can be determined as racial profiling and disagree with its verification tactics, but it lures me to think I would rather be profiled and know that I am legal, than to use one law to overlook another. What type of citizen would you be as a manipulator of the law? In agreement with Brooke Christensen and “Props to Arizona,” the illegal immigrants should be proud to have the opportunity to “show they did it the right way.”

Up-To-Date on US National Government said...

In the Constitution Correctness blog the article “Props to Arizona,” written by classmate Brooke Christensen, states in her article that critics of the law feel that Arizona’s new immigration law will encourage racial profiling among law enforcement officials and endanger civil rights in the state. Yet supporters think that it is necessary in order to decrease crime rates and to restore the law in this state. Arizona is clearly has a problem with illegal immigrants but I disagree with how they are trying to resolve the problem.
I would have to say that I am one that feels that Arizona’s new immigration law does encourage racial profiling and will endanger civil rights not only in this state but in many other states that adopt the same immigration law in their state. I disagree that law enforcement will have the right to stop someone based on suspicious and the color of their skin or because they look to be Mexican. I was born here in the United States and I have my constitutional rights but because I have dark hair, dark brown eyes and dark skin I could be mistaken for someone from Mexico, an illegal immigrant. How does one determine who is an illegal immigrant and who is an American just by looking at the person. Now you can’t tell me that this is not racial profiling. I do agree that the U.S. has a problem with illegal immigrant not only in Arizona but this does not solve that problem.
I do agree with Brooke that it isn’t fair that illegal immigrants come into our
country and get all the benefits that they can get, when we have other immigrants here who have legally come into this country and are struggling to get the same benefits. That U.S. citizens and legal citizens have to pay taxes which are used on illegal immigrants but yet illegal immigrants don’t pay a dime.
I’m not sure what the answer is to this problem but clearly it is a problem. My opinion is that we need to make it difficult for illegal immigrants to be able to get a job or public benefits unless they are here legally. I do believe that we make public benefits to accessible to illegal immigrants which just encourages more illegal to come over illegally knowing that they will not have any struggles.
I do believe that we need to continue to crack down on illegal immigrants and those that are caught should be deported.