Monday, April 19, 2010

Same-Sex Marriages

In the blog "Gay Marriage Being Counted in the Census Bureau," my fellow classmate, Danielle, writes about the Census recognizing same-sex couples as marriages. Her post opposes this idea of gay marriages.

I honestly couldn't agree more with Danielle. Same-sex marriages are not natural in our society. "God created marriage to be man with women. Legalizing gay marriage and allowing them to be counted as being married breaks that oath and goes against what God created to be." Most people get married to start a family; to have children. Two gay people cannot naturally make their own child.

The Census Bureau field workers are encouraging lesbians and gay couples to file as wife or husband on their census forms. Same-sex couples cannot legally be married, so how can they file as wife or husband?

I feel bad for gays and lesbians. I don't mean that in a derogatory way. I know it must be really hard for them to deal with many people looking down apon them for their way of life. I have some gay friends and I think they are some of the most amazing people I have ever met. But because of my religious views and morals, I still do not find it right for them to legally marry their partners.

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